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The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation of the European Union (EU) that harmonizes data protection laws across all EU member states. It gives individuals greater control over their personal data and requires organizations to be transparent about how they use personal data, and to take appropriate measures to ensure its security. The GDPR applies to all organizations, regardless of location, that process personal data of individuals located in the EU.

General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation of the European Union (EU) that was introduced in May 2018. It replaces the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive and harmonizes data protection laws across all EU member states.

The GDPR sets out strict rules for how organizations must collect, process, store, and handle personal data of individuals located in the EU. It applies to all organizations, regardless of where they are located, that process personal data of individuals located in the EU.

The GDPR gives individuals greater control over their personal data and requires organizations to be transparent about how they use personal data. Organizations must also take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and must report certain types of data breaches to the relevant authorities and, in some cases, to the individuals affected.

Overall, the GDPR is an important piece of legislation that provides enhanced protections for the personal data of individuals in the EU and sets out clear and comprehensive rules for organizations to follow. The GDPR has far- reaching implications for organizations that process personal data, and it is essential for organizations to understand and comply with the regulations.

How does Airgap Networks’ microsegmentation fit into this framework?

Network segmentation can help organizations comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by reducing the risk of unauthorized access to personal data. By dividing a network into smaller, isolated segments, network segmentation helps to limit the scope of a security breach, reducing the attack surface and improving the overall security of the network.

Organizations can use network segmentation to separate personal data from other types of data, ensuring that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized individuals. This helps to enforce access controls, reduce the risk of unauthorized access to personal data, and improve the overall security of the network.

Network segmentation also helps organizations to monitor and track access to personal data, which is an important requirement under the GDPR. Organizations must be able to demonstrate that they have taken appropriate measures to protect personal data and that they have the necessary technical and organizational controls in place.

Overall, network segmentation is a critical aspect of GDPR compliance and can provide an extra layer of security that helps organizations reduce risk, protect personal data, and improve their overall security posture. By implementing network segmentation, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to data protection and enhance their chances of achieving and maintaining GDPR compliance.

Airgap Networks’ agentless microsegmentation places each endpoint into its own isolated network segment and allows only authorized communication between them. The default security policy is to disallow any communication between each endpoint/network micro segment unless authorized by the security operator. In this way, servers which are processing sensitive personal data can be placed in their own isolated network segments and only authorized communication permitted between them.


Network segmentation helps organizations comply with GDPR by reducing the risk of unauthorized access to personal data, enforcing access controls, and improving overall network security. It allows organizations to separate personal data from other types of data, monitor and track access to personal data, and demonstrate that appropriate measures have been taken to protect it. By implementing network segmentation, organizations can enhance their security posture, reduce risk, and demonstrate their commitment to data protection, which is a critical aspect of GDPR compliance.

Microsegmentation is an integral part of Airgap’s Zero Trust Everywhere solution, contributing to our customers' zero trust security initiatives and frameworks.