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FedRAMP is a US government program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud-based products and services used by federal agencies. It requires cloud service providers (CSPs) to implement security controls that align with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and undergo an independent assessment by a third-party assessor. FedRAMP helps to ensure the security of cloud services used by federal agencies, reduce risk for federal agencies, and streamline the security assessment and authorization process for federal agencies.

FedRAMP Certification

FedRAMP requires CSPs to implement security controls that align with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework and undergo an independent assessment by a third-party assessor (3PAO) to validate that these security controls are in place and operating effectively. The assessment results are then reviewed by a FedRAMP-accredited third-party authorization body (3PAB), which makes a recommendation to the Joint Authorization Board (JAB) regarding the authorization of the cloud service.

By requiring CSPs to undergo a comprehensive security assessment and authorization process, FedRAMP helps to ensure that cloud services used by federal agencies meet strict security standards, reducing risk and protecting sensitive information. Additionally, the FedRAMP authorization process helps to streamline the security assessment and authorization process for federal agencies, reducing the time and effort required to evaluate and use cloud services.

Overall, FedRAMP is an important program that helps to ensure the security of cloud services used by federal agencies and to reduce risk for federal agencies when using cloud services. Obtaining FedRAMP certification is a rigorous process, but it demonstrates a commitment to security and provides a competitive advantage for cloud service providers.

How does Airgap Networks’ microsegmentation fit into this framework?

Network segmentation is a key tool for organizations to achieve and maintain compliance with the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). By dividing a network into smaller, isolated segments, network segmentation helps organizations to reduce risk and enhance the overall security of their network.

In the context of FedRAMP, network segmentation can be used to separate sensitive information, such as federal data, from other types of data. This helps to limit the scope of a security breach, reduce the attack surface, and improve the overall security of the network. Additionally, network segmentation helps organizations to enforce access controls, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive information.

By implementing network segmentation, organizations can demonstrate that they have taken steps to protect sensitive information and to comply with FedRAMP security standards. Network segmentation can also help organizations meet other FedRAMP requirements, such as regular security risk analyses, encryption, and incident response planning.

Overall, network segmentation is a critical aspect of FedRAMP compliance and can provide an extra layer of security that helps organizations reduce risk, protect sensitive information, and improve their overall security posture. By implementing network segmentation, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to security and enhance their chances of achieving and maintaining FedRAMP certification.

Airgap Networks’ agentless microsegmentation places each endpoint into its own isolated network segment and allows only authorized communication between them. The default security policy is to disallow any communication between each endpoint/network micro segment unless authorized by the security operator. In this way, servers which are processing sensitive federal data can be placed in their own isolated network segments and only authorized communication permitted between them.


Network microsegmentation helps organizations comply with FedRAMP by limiting the scope of a security breach, reducing the attack surface, and improving the overall security of the network. It also helps enforce access controls, ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive information, and demonstrate the organization's commitment to security, which is a key aspect of FedRAMP compliance.

Microsegmentation is an integral part of Airgap’s Zero Trust Everywhere solution, contributing to our customers' zero trust security initiatives and frameworks.