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Why Microsegmentation Is Core To Endpoint Security in 2023

Cyberattackers consider endpoints to be soft targets, easily defeated, and essential to taking control of a company's identities and access privileges. Endpoints are every business's flex points and transaction hubs, making them the most lucrative and favored target.

Gartner found that 75% of security failures are attributable to human error in managing access privileges and identities, up from 50% two years ago. Ponemon Institute and Adaptiva's 2022 report, Managing Risks & Costs At The Edge, found that 54% of organizations have had an average of five attacks on their endpoints in the past year. The annual cost of these annual attacks is $1.8 million or $360,000 per attack. These findings show that endpoint security needs to be more cyber-resilient. Microsegmentation is helping to make that happen in the context of organizations' zero-trust security frameworks and strategies.

The first step to shutting down endpoint attacks is to strengthen cyber resilience. CISOs and CIOs need to resolve to become stronger at zero trust in 2023. Blocking any breach from progressing by limiting the cyberattacker's lateral movement across networks is a first step. Enforcing more granular per-session-based access controls simultaneously further limits breach attempts and makes them fail. Supporting multiple methods of providing Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on an integrated, cloud-based Zero Trust Isolation Platform that's adaptive enough to define microsegmentation down to the device and IP address level is also critical. We've designed the platform and every component of AirGap's Zero Trust Everywhere solution to ensure microsegmentation contributes to our customers' zero trust security framework and initiatives. It's great hearing from our customers and learning how effective the Airgap Zero Trust Isolation Platform is at shrinking attack surfaces and limiting the blast radius of breaches while containing breaches so they don't progress past endpoints.

Get Zero Trust Strong At Endpoints First

Breaches are inevitable. Taking steps to be cyber-resilient with microsegmentation is core to endpoint security and where many businesses need to start. Ensuring that endpoint security is Zero Trust Strong can't be left to chance. No amount of endpoint software agents installed can stop all breaches. Cyberattackers look for over-configured endpoints with software conflicts because they are easier to hack than less-configured ones. Instead of over-configuring endpoints with yet another software agent, it is time for CISOs and CIOs to accept that breaches are inevitable and prepare to repel and shut down the ever-growing variety of cyberattacks with a plan that puts zero trust first.

Zero trust is about absorbing the worst of what cyber attackers can launch against any business and emerging more resilient from the attacks. Cyber-resiliency, not cyber-avoidance, is the goal. Getting Zero Trust Strong is the cybersecurity fitness test every business needs to keep challenging themselves to complete to keep improving their cyber-resilience.

We Deliver Cyber-Resilience

At Airgap Networks, we're driven to make our customers more cyber-resilient and Zero Trust Strong without requiring them to install endpoints, modify applications or change how they do business. Our mission is to help them simplify and secure their corporate infrastructures while also enabling their virtual workforces to thrive in all the locations they are working from. Airgap's Zero Trust Everywhere solution is a security approach that treats every identity's endpoint as a separate microsegment. This approach provides granular context-based policy enforcement for every attack surface, which eliminates the chance of lateral movement through the network. Additionally, AirGap's Trust Anywhere architecture includes an Autonomous Policy Network that scales microsegmentation policies network-wide immediately.

CAPTION AirGap's approach to microsegmentation is innovative in that it does not require modifications to existing technology stacks, new endpoint software agents, or new applications to prevent breaches from progressing onto networks and infrastructure.

Airgap Networks is concentrating on how we can deliver measurable, lasting benefits to our customers by continually improving our Zero Trust Isolation Platform to deliver greater cyber-resilience. The following are just a few of the many benefits they are achieving today:

  • Eliminating the wasted time of continually monitoring and patching endpoint agents. CISOs and CISOs tell me their teams are already stretched thin, and one of the most valuable benefits Airgap Networks brings them is more time. Using Airgap's agentless segmentation, IT and cybersecurity teams don't have to waste time doing patch management and can concentrate on larger, more complex challenges.
  • More consistent, dynamic policy enforcement. Airgap Networks is designed to deliver consistent policy enforcement that can flex and adapt as an organization's security and business needs change. Airgap's agentless segmentation acts as the first hop in the packet to enforce consistent and dynamic policy enforcement.
  • Granular policy controls contribute to greater visibility and scale. We've designed the Airgap Networks policy controls with the needs of security teams who manage microsegmentation in mind. Our granular policy controls contribute to greater visibility across distributed networks, scaling across automated machine endpoints, including virtual machines.


Microsegmentation has proved to be an invaluable tool for protecting endpoints and data. Airgap's product strategy and platform focus on providing granular security management, limiting attack surfaces, and automating access and policy enforcement.

Our goal is to provide a scalable, secure microsegmentation platform that perfectly fits an organization's broader zero-trust security frameworks and initiatives. The Airgap approach to microsegmentation also delivers measurable, reliable results across a broad spectrum of industries, including critical infrastructure, healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation.